Sunday, December 29, 2013

Shut the Front Door ... Days 305 thru 334 ... A November to remember ... maybe.

And the saga continues.
When you last visited here, we were playing catch up with 3 months worth of pictures.
Because I'm really bad at commitment.
That's why.
I started this series as a daily look out my front door.
It has turned into a random few days here and there followed by day, weeks, then months of no posts.
So without further ranting from myself (to which I have no one but myself to blame for the randomness of these posts) lets get on with November.
Day 305
Just great.
First day of the month and ...
no pictures.
Day 306
Can you see the rays of the sun shining down from the sky?
Day 307 pictures again.
So sad.
Day 308
Another sunny day.
Doesn't feel like November at all.
I just thought this came out pretty cool.
It's hard to tell here but that's a bit of a rainbow.
Day 309
No pictures.
No surprise.
Day 310
Beautiful sunset.
Day 311
Rainy and gloomy.
The cone of shame.
She had emergency surgery on her ear last night.
Today they send her home with the one thing that turns an ordinary dog to a bull in a china shop.
 that was no where near being in her way,
was suddenly an obstacle that
our legs
 ... all suffered attacks of unusual brute force.
Day 312
Snow again.
It's official...
my driveway is the end of the earth.
Day 313
No pictures again.
Day 314 
Such a gloomy day.
Day 315
No pictures.
Day 316
Giant, chunky clouds and snow.
Oh yea.
Day 317
The light just seems to draw you in.
Day 318
Cold and clear morning.
Spy in the sky.
Day 319
Almost spring like out there.
I can live with that.
Day 320
 No pictures.
Day 321
It's that kind of day.
Gabby's ear is healing up nicely.
And the cone of shame was sufficiently destroyed.
Day 322
No pictures.
Day 323
How do we really survive all this gloomy-ness.
Michelle watching the chickens hiding in the water tub.
Chickens watching the ducks checking out their new little frozen pond.
Picture taken just far enough way that you really can't see any of what's going on and my zoom isn't working so I need a better camera.
Day 324
Clear and cold.
How do I know he's swearing on the phone?
Because he's discussing this rock that's in his way.
 #1 possible remedy?
Don't ask me why.
Day 325
Cold and clear with a chance of swirly clouds.
Day 326
No Front Door picture today.
Just some random stuff.
Gassing up the ole' horse-n-buggy.
New chickletts.
some sort of strange milestone for mileage.
Cool huh?
Day 327
Snow in the dark.
Code for ... I almost had to say no pic for today ... hehe.
Chickletts view of the outside world looking in.
Make sense to you?
Day 328
Noooo pictures.
Day 329
Snowing again.
This is already getting old.
I can't wait till spring.
Day 330
No pictures
Day 331
No pictures.
Day 332
It must have been really cold outside today
I was being very lazy on this beautifully clear Thanksgiving day.
I took this picture through the dirty glass instead of opening the door.
Day 333
Another cold day.
I have a love/hate relationship with icicles.
Pretty and glittery - vs - daggers of death
Day 334
The last day of the November and I don't have any pictures.
For more fun, excitement, thrills, and chills ....
you better follow someone else's blog.
For more of the same crap ...
keep an eye out for the month of December coming soon to a computer screen near you.

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